Francis Crozier was a major figure in the epic quests of nineteenth-century Polar exploration. Navigating the North West Passage, reaching the North Pole and mapping Antarctica. His remarkable story embraces six daring voyages to the world’s most hostile regions and extraordinary feats of endurance, tragedy, and failed romance. An unhappy love affair with Franklin’s niece which drove him back to the ice one last time as second-in-command on Franklin’s North West Passage expedition in 1845.
All 129 men vanished on the ice. Crozier took command when the ships were crushed and the expedition was on the brink of disaster.
For several years Crozier led a courageous battle trying to lead his men to safety.
According to legend, Crozier was the last to die- the last man standing. But Crozier never received recognition for his great feats and became another of exploration’s Irish unsung heroes.