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In 2018, Billy Ryle, who was enjoying a full and active life, was diagnosed with Fuchs Dystrophy, a disease of the eyes. In Fuchs Dystrophy, fluid builds up in the clear layer on the front of the eye, causing the cornea to swell and thicken.
This leads to glare, blurred or cloudy vision, and eye discomfort. Fuchs Dystrophy could lead to the vision to gradually worsen leading to blindness.
It was the beginning of a long and difficult medical journey, which Billy was determined to make in order to save his sight and he has documented in ‘Donor Organ Transplants or Blind for the Football’.
The book was launched by Senator Martin Conway, the first visually impaired person to be elected to the Oireachtas .
Senator Conway is a founding member of AHEAD (Association on Higher Education and Disability) and WAM (Willing Able Mentoring) and is an advocate for equality in education and employment for disabled people.*
*(courtesy of Tralee Today)