The English translation of the title is As tough as Woodbine. Timmy Woulfe has put together a collection of of old Irish words and phrases. This is a rare and beautiful collection of Irish words and … [Read more...] about As tough as táthfhéithleann le Timmy Woulfe
Irish Language
Legendary Ireland edited by Eithne Massey
A collection of stories and images from twenty-eight richly atmospheric Irish sites and the mythological stories associated with them. The historical and archaeological facts and the folk traditions … [Read more...] about Legendary Ireland edited by Eithne Massey
Peil – Scileanna an Chluiche le Br. T E Mac Dónaill
This is a booklet dealing with the skill associated with Gaelic Football. The booklet was published in the 1960's in Irish. Brother Mac Donnell went to great trouble to describe the skills of … [Read more...] about Peil – Scileanna an Chluiche le Br. T E Mac Dónaill
Dhá Chéad de Cheoltaibh Uladh le Énrí Ó Miureasa
This book in Irish was first published in 1934. The English translation of the the title is An Anthology of 200 years of Ulster Songs. The book contains many songs and poems. The songs and poems … [Read more...] about Dhá Chéad de Cheoltaibh Uladh le Énrí Ó Miureasa
Tiomna Núa (The New Testament)
This Irish language version of the New Testament was published in 1951. It was translated into Irish by Ernest Edwin Joynt. The book was printed using the old Gaelic font. and the style of … [Read more...] about Tiomna Núa (The New Testament)
From a Gaelic Outpost by Aodh De Blácam
This rare book was published by the Catholic Truth Society in 1921. The author had a romantic notion of the Ireland that he came from. Also he was faithful to the Catholic ethos of his … [Read more...] about From a Gaelic Outpost by Aodh De Blácam
Motherfoclóir by Darach Ó Séaghdha
As the title suggests, Motherfoclóir takes an irreverent, pun-friendly and contemporary approach to the Irish language. The translations are expanded on and arranged into broad categories that allow … [Read more...] about Motherfoclóir by Darach Ó Séaghdha
Níl aon leabhairín mar do Mheabhar-chinn fhéin le Eilís Uí Bhriain
Níl aon leabhairín mar do Mheabhar-chinn fhéin when translated from Irish means "there is no small book like your own mind". This is one on the many Irish sayings and proverbs that have been collected … [Read more...] about Níl aon leabhairín mar do Mheabhar-chinn fhéin le Eilís Uí Bhriain
An Bíobla Naofa – The Bible in Irish
This is a paperback edition of the Bible that has been published in Irish. The complete Bible is contained in 1,268 pages of script. A lovely edition of An Bíobla Naofa that would adorn any book … [Read more...] about An Bíobla Naofa – The Bible in Irish
Labharfad Le Cách – I will Speak To You All by Peig Sayers
This book is a celebration of the renowned Irish storyteller Peig Sayers, showing a lighter side to her than previously revealed. For generations of students, Peig Sayer's autobiography was a … [Read more...] about Labharfad Le Cách – I will Speak To You All by Peig Sayers