This booklet was published by the Dominican Community in Tralee in 1953 to commemorate the death of Fr Moriarty on 18th October 1653. Fr Moriarty was hanged by Cromwellian forces in Killarney on that date.
The then President of Ireland Sean T O’Kelly was the guest of honour at the commemoration in 1953. A special mass was said at Holy Cross Priory on the day.
Huge crowds attended the event. This booklet was published 1954 and printed in Tralee by
- Front Cover
- Frontispiece
- Introduction
- It contains an account of Fr Moriarty’s life as a Dominican.
- Details of the speeches made on the day.
- Photographs of the principal guests and of the crowds that filled Tralee for the commemoration.
It is now 370 years since Fr Moriarty’s death. This booklet is a rare memento of Ireland in the 1950’s. A very different county from today’s Ireland.