Tony 10 was the online betting username of Tony O’Reilly, the postman who became front-page news in 2011 after he stole €1.75 million from An Post while he was a branch manager in Gorey. He used the money to fund a gambling addiction that began with a bet of €1. Eventually it rose to €10 million, leading to the loss of his job, his family and winning him a prison sentence.
From the heart-stopping moments in a hotel room in Cyprus with his wedding money riding on the Epsom Derby, to the euphoria of winning half a million over a weekend. The losses from the late goals and the horses falling at the last fence. Tony 10 is the story of an ordinary man’s journey from normality to catastrophe.
At times, he vowed to get out while he was ahead, only to be taken by another surge of adrenaline, falling deeper into a compulsion that consumed his life.
Tony 10 is a spine chilling account of one man’s gambling addition and how it wrecked his life.